Are women inherently different from men? Physically, there are some stark differences, but let’s dive deep into the physiological and biological aspects of it. What makes a woman?

Besides looking into XX (the female) or XY (the male) chromosomes, we can look into the hormonal make-up of a woman. While both sexes have their fair share of the estrogens, progesterone, and testosterone, it’s the ratio of these hormones that determine the fairer of the sexes. Estrogen in particular are found in higher levels in women. This hormone, with a blend of other female hormones, make it possible to go through biological cycles such as menses and makes pregnancy possible.
Speaking of pregnancy, that’s what makes a woman different again. Women have, what begins as tiny little uterine apparatus, a complex and unified organ known as the womb. A woman’s womb is remarkable in the sense that it has all it needs to develop and sustain the life of another human being within her own body. The ability to do so is also one that makes mothers so deeply bonded with their children. Imagine carrying 2.5 – 4kgs in front of you at all times while trying to maintain life at its normal pace. Pretty amazing stuff!
We also look into how women interact with others. It’s not just mothers who interact this way, but all women in general tend to have a nurturing nature, a soothing approach to matters and people. It’s an innate characteristic that has been long studied and not just between mother and child, but friend to friend, co-worker to co-worker, regardless of the other party’s gender. In social settings, women tend to be more supportive to others.
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While multi-tasking isn’t inherently what makes a woman, it is what years of societal factors have played a good part in. You have definitely heard of women being very good at multi-tasking, but women have just been more accustomed to getting stuff down as they surface rather than collectively at one point. The term “dirt-blindness” is often used when men perceive, dirt (of any degree) much differently to how women would rate them. So women tend to vacuum the dirt off while checking out recipes for dinner tonight on their phones. This extends to so many different things outside of the home, which make women super adaptive to their environment.
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When they made that Sleeping Beauty story, we’re pretty sure some women during that era have a lot to say about catching more sleep. Studies show that women in general need 8 to 10 hours of sleep compared to their male counterparts who only need 7 to 8 hours of sleep, in order to feel refreshed the next day. This comes down hormones again, which play a huge part in the sleep circadian rhythm.
But thanks to these biological factors and certain societal factors, women do tend to outlive men. Studies show that these figures can be up to 8% longer than men. As women age, a larger part of this population begin valuing health. While men may have societal pressures for more disruptive habits such as drinking and smoking, women know how to slow it down and focus on bettering themselves. This contributes to better heart health and a better immune system compared to men.
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